400 Bad Request

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  • #127080

    I recently installed the pro version of the plugin onto this website to allow for recurring events to be added via the community event addon however it appears to have generated an issue for entries.

    I have been made aware that one of the entries is displaying a 400 Bad Request issue- see url below:

    The event is housed in: http://visitherefordshire.co.uk/whats-on/?action=tribe_list&tribe_paged=1&tribe-bar-search=kington

    I am unsure if this has impacted all recurring events yet however could someone shed some light on what is generating this issue?




    Hi Sam:

    I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that before. What I’d suggest in the first instance is double checking that all of your plugins are up-to-date (Events Calendar PRO and The Events Calendar 3.5.1) as we’ve released a number of fixes over the last couple of days.

    From there, please visit the Permalink Settings admin page – you don’t need to actually change anything, just visiting this should refresh a set of rules held by WordPress in its database. Then see if it works as expected.

    Failing that it’s time to do some more advanced troubleshooting (I see you may already have tried something like this, but I’d like to be sure):

    • Deactivate all other plugins
    • Switch to a default, unmodified theme
    • Refresh the permalink settings as before
    • Now see if that event URL has been restored and works as expected

    Let us know how you get on 🙂


    HI Barry,

    I have completed all of your steps and still have the same outcome. It still displays a 400 Bad Request.

    I have updated the Pro plugin as saw there was update due however that did not appear to have any impact.

    Would really appreciate any more advice.



    How puzzling.

    In the first instance can you post your System Information as found in the Events → Help screen – that might shed some light on your configuration.

    Above and beyond that, can you try creating a fresh WordPress installation in an identical hosting environment (or even in the very same environment, but housed in a subdirectory) and install only our plugins – do not any anything else and stick to a default theme: see if you can replicate the issue there. If you can it would be great to have a chance to look at it.

    On the other hand, if you cannot replicate the problem in this second installation, please start adding all of the components that you have in your live site and ultimately ensure it is configured just as the live site is – checking at each stage to see if the problem has been introduced.

    Though very similar to the steps outlined initially, coming at the problem from this different angle can catch things that might have been missed first time round.


    events-community = **
    Adminimize version 1.8.4 by Frank Bültge(http://bueltge.de/)
    Ajax WP Query Search Filter version 1.0.7 by TC(http://www.9-sec.com/)
    Background Per Page version 0.3 by Fish Can’t Whistle
    Image Map HotSpot version 1.2.3 by Sike(http://codecanyon.net/user/sike?ref=sike)
    Contact Form 7 version 3.7.2 by Takayuki Miyoshi(http://ideasilo.wordpress.com/)
    CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies version 1.3.1 by Rachel Carden(http://wpdreamer.com)
    Custom Post Type Permalinks version by Toro_Unit(http://www.torounit.com/plugins/custom-post-type-permalinks/)
    Custom Taxonomy Sort version 1.1.5 by Zack Tollman(https://twitter.com/#!/zack_dev)
    Delete Expired Transients version 1.1.1 by WebAware(http://www.webaware.com.au/)
    Disable Matrix Self-Compare Easter Egg version 1.1 by Alois Maenner
    Download Monitor version 1.4.3 by Mike Jolley(http://mikejolley.com)
    Dynamic Widgets version 1.5.7 by Qurl(http://www.qurl.nl/)
    Easy Columns version v2.1.2 by Pat Friedl
    Embed Code Generator version v. 1.1 by Infographic Journal & Developed by Justice Solutions LLC(http://infographicjournal.com/embed-code-generator)
    The Events Calendar PRO version 3.5.1 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(http://m.tri.be/20)
    Fluid Responsive Slideshow version 0.93 by tonjoo(http://www.tonjoo.com/)
    Geo Mashup version 1.7.3 by Dylan Kuhn(http://www.cyberhobo.net/)
    Get The Image version 0.9.0 by Justin Tadlock(http://justintadlock.com)
    Google Analytics for WordPress version 4.3.5 by Joost de Valk(http://yoast.com/)
    Google XML Sitemaps version 4.0.2 by Arne Brachhold(http://www.arnebrachhold.de/)
    HTML Page Sitemap version 1.1.3 by Angelo Mandato(http://www.pluginspodcast.com/)
    Image Widget version 4.0.8 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(http://m.tri.be/26)
    jQuery Updater version 2.1.0 by Ramoonus(http://www.ramoonus.nl/)
    Link Manager version 0.1-beta by WordPress
    More Fields version 2.1 by Henrik Melin, Kal Ström(http://more-plugins.se/)
    Page Theme version 3.5 by Chris Ravenscroft(http://nexus.zteo.com)
    Page Restrict version 2.1.2 by Matt Martz & Andy Stratton(http://theandystratton.com)
    PHP Code Widget version 2.2 by Otto(http://ottodestruct.com)
    Portfolio Slideshow version 1.5.1 by Raygun(http://madebyraygun.com)
    Post Type Switcher version 1.2 by johnjamesjacoby(http://johnjamesjacoby.com)
    Posts Slideshow Widget (Post Image Slider Widget) version 1.0 by APgossips(http://apgossips.com)
    Pronamic Cookies version 0.3.1 by Pronamic(http://pronamic.eu/)
    Purge Transients version 0.2.1 by Seebz
    Query Multiple Taxonomies version 1.6.2 by scribu(http://scribu.net)
    Really Simple Twitter Feed Widget version 2.5 by WhileTrue(http://www.whiletrue.it/)
    Relevanssi version 3.3.4 by Mikko Saari(http://www.mikkosaari.fi/)
    Search & Replace version 2.6.5 by Frank Bültge(http://bueltge.de/)
    Search & Filter version 1.2.4 by Designs & Code(http://www.designsandcode.com/)
    Simple Slideshow Manager version 1.2.2 by Acurax(http://www.acurax.com)
    Simple Taxonomy version 3.5 by Amaury Balmer(http://www.beapi.fr)
    Social Media Widget version 4.0.2 by Blink Web Effects(http://blinkwebeffects.com/)
    Soliloquy Lite version 1.4.2 by Thomas Griffin(http://thomasgriffinmedia.com/)
    Subscribe2 version 9.2 by Matthew Robinson(http://subscribe2.wordpress.com)
    Taxonomies Filter Widget version 1.2 by Cristian Ionel(http://webcodesigner.com)
    Taxonomy Images version 0.8.0 by Michael Fields(http://wordpress.mfields.org/)
    The Events Calendar: Community Events version 3.5 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(http://m.tri.be/21)
    The Events Calendar version 3.5.1 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(http://m.tri.be/1x)
    Unattach and Re-attach Media Attachments version 1.2 by davidn.de
    User Locker version 1.2 by Daniel Frużyński(http://www.poradnik-webmastera.com/)
    WordPress Importer version 0.6.1 by wordpressdotorg(http://wordpress.org/)
    WordPress SEO version by Joost de Valk(https://yoast.com/)
    WP-Cycle version 0.1.13 by Nathan Rice(http://www.nathanrice.net/)
    WP Find Your Nearest version 0.2.5 by Adam Sargant(http://www.sargant.net/)
    WP SlimStat version 3.5.8 by Camu(http://slimstat.getused.to.it/)
    WP-Supersized version 3.1.6 by Benoit De Boeck


    Twenty Twelve

    tribeEventsTemplate =
    tribeEventsBeforeHTML =
    tribeEventsAfterHTML =
    previous_ecp_versions =
    [0] => 0
    [1] => 2.0.11
    [2] => 3.4.1
    [3] => 3.5
    latest_ecp_version = 3.5.1
    welcome_notice = 1
    displayedPressTrendsDialogue = 1
    donate-link =
    viewOption = upcoming
    eventsSlug = whats-on
    singleEventSlug = event
    postsPerPage = 10
    showComments =
    multiDayCutoff = 12:00
    embedGoogleMaps = 1
    embedGoogleMapsHeight = 350
    embedGoogleMapsWidth = 100%
    embedGoogleMapsZoom = 10
    sendPressTrendsData =
    debugEvents =
    recurring_events_are_hidden = exposed
    stylesheetOption = tribe
    tribeEnableViews =
    [0] => upcoming
    [1] => month
    tribeDisableTribeBar =
    monthEventAmount = 2
    liveFiltersUpdate = 1
    showEventsInMainLoop =
    defaultCurrencySymbol = £
    reverseCurrencyPosition =
    defaultValueReplace =
    disable_metabox_custom_fields = show
    pro-schema-version = 3.5
    hideLocationSearch = 1
    hideRelatedEvents =


    Hope the above helps.




    I’m getting the same 400 Bad Request with the %tribe_events_slug% showing after the domain name. I noticed the problem after I had installed the community events addon, too.

    Running WP 3.8.2 and your most recent release of the event calendar pro.


    Hi Sam – did you post your system info? If so it appears not to have come through, could you try again?

    Could either of you confirm if this happens consistently with community-submitted events or if you’ve found a solid set of steps that lead up to this that would allow us to replicate?


    events-community = **
    Adminimize version 1.8.4 by Frank Bültge(http://bueltge.de/)
    Ajax WP Query Search Filter version 1.0.7 by TC(http://www.9-sec.com/)
    Background Per Page version 0.3 by Fish Can’t Whistle
    Image Map HotSpot version 1.2.3 by Sike(http://codecanyon.net/user/sike?ref=sike)
    Contact Form 7 version 3.7.2 by Takayuki Miyoshi(http://ideasilo.wordpress.com/)
    CPT-onomies: Using Custom Post Types as Taxonomies version 1.3.1 by Rachel Carden(http://wpdreamer.com)
    Custom Post Type Permalinks version by Toro_Unit(http://www.torounit.com/plugins/custom-post-type-permalinks/)
    Custom Taxonomy Sort version 1.1.5 by Zack Tollman(https://twitter.com/#!/zack_dev)
    Delete Expired Transients version 1.1.1 by WebAware(http://www.webaware.com.au/)
    Disable Matrix Self-Compare Easter Egg version 1.1 by Alois Maenner
    Download Monitor version 1.4.3 by Mike Jolley(http://mikejolley.com)
    Dynamic Widgets version 1.5.7 by Qurl(http://www.qurl.nl/)
    Easy Columns version v2.1.2 by Pat Friedl
    Embed Code Generator version v. 1.1 by Infographic Journal & Developed by Justice Solutions LLC(http://infographicjournal.com/embed-code-generator)
    The Events Calendar PRO version 3.5.1 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(http://m.tri.be/20)
    Fluid Responsive Slideshow version 0.93 by tonjoo(http://www.tonjoo.com/)
    Geo Mashup version 1.7.3 by Dylan Kuhn(http://www.cyberhobo.net/)
    Get The Image version 0.9.0 by Justin Tadlock(http://justintadlock.com)
    Google Analytics for WordPress version 4.3.5 by Joost de Valk(http://yoast.com/)
    Google XML Sitemaps version 4.0.2 by Arne Brachhold(http://www.arnebrachhold.de/)
    HTML Page Sitemap version 1.1.3 by Angelo Mandato(http://www.pluginspodcast.com/)
    Image Widget version 4.0.8 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(http://m.tri.be/26)
    jQuery Updater version 2.1.0 by Ramoonus(http://www.ramoonus.nl/)
    Link Manager version 0.1-beta by WordPress
    More Fields version 2.1 by Henrik Melin, Kal Ström(http://more-plugins.se/)
    Page Theme version 3.5 by Chris Ravenscroft(http://nexus.zteo.com)
    Page Restrict version 2.1.2 by Matt Martz & Andy Stratton(http://theandystratton.com)
    PHP Code Widget version 2.2 by Otto(http://ottodestruct.com)
    Portfolio Slideshow version 1.5.1 by Raygun(http://madebyraygun.com)
    Post Type Switcher version 1.2 by johnjamesjacoby(http://johnjamesjacoby.com)
    Posts Slideshow Widget (Post Image Slider Widget) version 1.0 by APgossips(http://apgossips.com)
    Pronamic Cookies version 0.3.1 by Pronamic(http://pronamic.eu/)
    Purge Transients version 0.2.1 by Seebz
    Query Multiple Taxonomies version 1.6.2 by scribu(http://scribu.net)
    Really Simple Twitter Feed Widget version 2.5 by WhileTrue(http://www.whiletrue.it/)
    Relevanssi version 3.3.4 by Mikko Saari(http://www.mikkosaari.fi/)
    Search & Replace version 2.6.5 by Frank Bültge(http://bueltge.de/)
    Search & Filter version 1.2.4 by Designs & Code(http://www.designsandcode.com/)
    Simple Slideshow Manager version 1.2.2 by Acurax(http://www.acurax.com)
    Simple Taxonomy version 3.5 by Amaury Balmer(http://www.beapi.fr)
    Social Media Widget version 4.0.2 by Blink Web Effects(http://blinkwebeffects.com/)
    Soliloquy Lite version 1.4.2 by Thomas Griffin(http://thomasgriffinmedia.com/)
    Subscribe2 version 9.2 by Matthew Robinson(http://subscribe2.wordpress.com)
    Taxonomies Filter Widget version 1.2 by Cristian Ionel(http://webcodesigner.com)
    Taxonomy Images version 0.8.0 by Michael Fields(http://wordpress.mfields.org/)
    The Events Calendar: Community Events version 3.5 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(http://m.tri.be/21)
    The Events Calendar version 3.5.1 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(http://m.tri.be/1x)
    Unattach and Re-attach Media Attachments version 1.2 by davidn.de
    User Locker version 1.2 by Daniel Frużyński(http://www.poradnik-webmastera.com/)
    WordPress Importer version 0.6.1 by wordpressdotorg(http://wordpress.org/)
    WordPress SEO version by Joost de Valk(https://yoast.com/)
    WP-Cycle version 0.1.13 by Nathan Rice(http://www.nathanrice.net/)
    WP Find Your Nearest version 0.2.5 by Adam Sargant(http://www.sargant.net/)
    WP SlimStat version 3.5.8 by Camu(http://slimstat.getused.to.it/)
    WP-Supersized version 3.1.6 by Benoit De Boeck


    Twenty Twelve

    tribeEventsTemplate =
    tribeEventsBeforeHTML =
    tribeEventsAfterHTML =
    previous_ecp_versions =
    [0] => 0
    [1] => 2.0.11
    [2] => 3.4.1
    [3] => 3.5
    latest_ecp_version = 3.5.1
    welcome_notice = 1
    displayedPressTrendsDialogue = 1
    donate-link =
    viewOption = upcoming
    eventsSlug = whats-on
    singleEventSlug = event
    postsPerPage = 10
    showComments =
    multiDayCutoff = 12:00
    embedGoogleMaps = 1
    embedGoogleMapsHeight = 350
    embedGoogleMapsWidth = 100%
    embedGoogleMapsZoom = 10
    sendPressTrendsData =
    debugEvents =
    recurring_events_are_hidden = exposed
    stylesheetOption = tribe
    tribeEnableViews =
    [0] => upcoming
    [1] => month
    tribeDisableTribeBar =
    monthEventAmount = 2
    liveFiltersUpdate = 1
    showEventsInMainLoop =
    defaultCurrencySymbol = £
    reverseCurrencyPosition =
    defaultValueReplace =
    disable_metabox_custom_fields = show
    pro-schema-version = 3.5
    hideLocationSearch = 1
    hideRelatedEvents =


    Posted again, should now be above.

    Currently I am only aware of this occurring on community entered events however I will trial a new event and produce it manually. I will let you know the outcome.



    I have just checked it, I completed the process of adding an recurring event through the dashboard and still get the same result.

    One weird thing I saw was that the perms link read website/event/testing-3/all/, is that perms link structure correct as I would have thought the event should be last bit of URL?



    OK, thanks (I think first time the system info was caught in our spam filter, apologies for that). So I’m seeing Custom Post Type Permalinks being flagged up there and we know this has caused this very problem for another customer.

    Can we revisit our standard troubleshooting steps:

    • Deactivate all other plugins (particularly Custom Post Type Permalinks)
    • Switch to a default, unmodified theme
    • Refresh the permalink settings as before
    • Now see if that event URL has been restored and works as expected

    If that doesn’t solve it I’m not sure what to suggest, this isn’t something I can really see happening ‘organically’ as a result of our plugins own operations.


    Hi Barry,

    After going through the stages a few times, I managed to get the recurring event to work, however as I was unable to activate the custom post types permalinks (whilst recurring events work), this impacted on the sites performance. With this in mind, how can i disable the option for recurring events within the community system or general, until I can find a another solution to resolve the conflict?




    I am having this issue as well and I also use the Custom Post Type Permalinks. Please keep me updated. Cheers.


    Is there any possibility of a quick jQuery work around that would replace ‘%tribe_events_slug%’ with ‘events’?

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