calendar widget : AJAX troubleshouting

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  • #687243

    I’ve just set the widget mini calendar on the following wordpress :
    As you notice the widget on the right doesn’t load properly. When I run the theme on my localhost it doesn’t either work although there is no loading wheel.
    I’ve check the function.php file and the widget is well declared with its ‘ id=”%1$s” ‘.
    The widget works on the default theme.
    It would be kind if anyone could help me to fix that issue!


    Howdy Laura,

    I am noticing the page is trying to load the following JS file, but the link does not work and just returns a 404.

    Perhaps that file was accidentally deleted, or the link is not setup properly?

    As a very general rule it is not great practice for a theme to override the default jQuery lib that comes with WordPress. The main reason is that if you include a different version of jQuery it can cause incompatibilties. If you are developing this theme, you might stick with the default jQuery lib which would fix the above problem. Or perhaps go with one of the centrally hosted ones like this. Just make sure that the version matches up with that of WP’ default if possible, and keep in mind that version changes with each new WP release.

    Did that fix things? Please let me know. Cheers!

    – Brook


    Hi Brook!

    Thank you for your answer.
    I followed your kind advice and registered my JS libraries trough ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’.
    The console doesn’t show any loading error now, so thank you!
    The problem remains though :/
    Can’t figure out where it comes from…


    Awesome that you were able to just it run it through wp_enqueue_scripts. That’s a great idea when it is possible.

    I noticed that there are no <script> elements near the bottom of a page. That is pretty unusual for WordPress. Is it possible that you are not calling the wp_footer() function in your theme?

    If don’t know if this will be helpful at all, perhaps you are quite versed in this already. But if not the WP Theme Guidelines page can be helpful. It is a bit difficult to parse. But it does have useful links like the Theme Check page which outlines how to make your themes thoroughly compatible with WP Plugins and such.

    Let me know if that footer tag was missing. It sure looks like it, but maybe I am off. Thanks Laura!

    – Brook


    No you are not off at all, function wp_footer() was actually missing! Thank you Brook for your expert eye 🙂
    It works perfectly on my localhost now!


    Excellent! Glad I could help. I hope to see you around the forums should you need any assistance again. Since this topic is answered I am going to archive it. Cheers!

    – Brook

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