Event month and buttons outside the ajax load (PRO)

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  • #744040
    Colin Elliot

    Hi there,

    I have set up the calendar and it’s working perfectly except that in my build i have the title (Displaying event for current month name) and the next month (name) / previous month (name) buttons outside of the ‘content.php’ file. They are, however in the ‘month.php’ file.

    The problem is that when someone clicks to see the next month or the previous month, the title and next / previous month buttons don’t update. I understand that the calendar uses ajax to reload the page.

    how do i get the other couple of things to reload/update at teh same time?
    is there a css class i can add to them so they are included in the refresh?

    Thanks in advance.

    Colin Elliot

    Bump ^

    Anyone out there? 🙂


    Howdy ouuc,

    I am here! We always answer weekend questions on Monday. Since there were a lot of questions this weekend some are being answered Monday night.

    There is not really a CSS class you can add. What happens is that our Ajax JS basically deletes all of the inside of the div that wraps content.php and then calls content.php a second time to send the infos, and repopulates the div. Without rearchitecting the plugin, the only method is just to move all of the stuff that needs updating into content.php.

    Does that make sense? Please let me know if you have further questions or if I can expand anymore. Thanks oouc!

    – Brook

    Colin Elliot

    Thanks for the reply!

    Ugh. Not what i wanted to hear, but OK.

    Any snippets you can share for “Next Month” / “Last Month” and that way it doesn’t need to refresh… ?


    Howdy ouuc,

    I have bad news again. 🙁 No snippets for that specifically. In order to make them work outside of the content loop, you would have to do something akin to starting a second loop. This is going to be a huge pain.

    You might be able to just disable Ajax. I have not tested this script, but someone penned it and said it disables Ajax: http://pastebin.com/TujLEBYi

    Perhaps that would work instead?

    – Brook

    Colin Elliot

    Word, i appreciate the help.

    I’ll bookmark that script and check it out on the next project.


    Thanks for getting back! I wish I had something more to share, but happy the Ajax might help going forward. Good luck on the next project!

    – Brook

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