Events list widget malfunction

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    Hi, after updating to 3.6 the Events List widget no longer displays the events but just has the page title as the event and the current date and time. When clicked on, the ‘Event’ then just takes you back to the same page. It was working fine before I updated. Any suggestions?


    I had to downgrade to the previous version to fix this. I’m sure they are working on a fix as we speak.


    You must go the widget panel admin in the backend and remove all occurences of the widget in any areas you’ve placed it. Then save any existing widget area, so the database take it into account, then add the event list widget again. That should fix it.


    Howdy johnnytequila & farandwild,

    Ragot’s fix is spot on. I am sorry this has been such a pain. But if you delete the widgets, save, and add them back that fixed it for myself and Ragot both. I believe it will work great for you as well. Please let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!

    – Brook


    Thanks for all your replies but I’m still getting the problem – I deleted all occurrences of all Event widgets, refreshed the site then added just the Events List and the same problem appeared. The theme is MayaShop from YITH using a child theme. When you say ‘save any existing widget area’, I’m not sure what you mean as the widget pane has no save feature, does it automatically when widgets are added/removed. Perhaps it’s this bit I’m not doing right??

    Chris Booth

    Just want to report that I’m experiencing the same problem, and ragots fix doesn’t work for me either.


    Howdy again guys,

    I am sorry to hear that did not work for you Johnny and graphics. Would you mind trying it again? Here are some more elaborate instructions, hopefully these ones will work:

    Delete all Events Calendar widgets from your all of your sidebars, including the footer area if you have one. Make sure to delete all Calendar widgets like the countdown timer, upcoming, and mini calendar. Now, add a text widget with the following text “Tribe test”, and press save. View your site, and make sure the widgets are gone and the new one appears. Then, try readding The Events Calendar widgets. Is the problem fixed now?

    These new steps should make sure that WordPress updates the Database properly. If not let me know. We will have to see if we can find another options. Until then!

    – Brook


    I have deleted all of my widgets (related or not to TEC). Once done, Events Calendar widget works, but Events List continues to either show the most recent post name published (main page) or the page name of the active page.


    Thanks for the detailed fix Brook and I followed your instructions just like wswebstuff and had exactly the same result, Calendar works, List doesn’t. Even after the 3.6.1 update this morning. Any other suggestions appreciated.

    Chris Booth

    Hi Brook, I’ve tried this too, and unfortunately it doesn’t work for me either…


    Hello again,

    Do any of you have any theme overrides for the Events Calendar? If so could you try disabling them by renaming your [themename]/tribe-events/ folder to ‘tribe-events-bak’. Did that fix it? One of our other users found that their theme overrides was causing this problem for them.

    If not, would you mind posting a copy of your system information and pasting it here? Make sure to use the ‘Set as private reply’ checkbox to protect your private information from the public. You can find the system info by going to WP Admin > Events > Settings, clicking on the “Help” tab, and scrolling down to the ‘System Information’ box. (Or by going to [yoursite]/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=tribe_events&page=tribe-events-calendar&tab=help) That will give me a lot of extra information. It might help us find a common link and thus diagnose the problem.

    You might also try switching themes to see if the issue persists, and disabling all plugins except TEC. It is possible that we are facing a simple conflict. I am hopeful that your system information will reveal a common plugin or theme shared among you. But, in the mean time you can double check this yourself by switching themes and disabling plugins.

    Thanks for bearing with us y’all. Hope to find the cause and fix shortly.

    – Brook


    That worked! Changed the theme override folder name and that fixed it. Obviously lost all the customisations so my question now, is there another way around this or are you planning a fix in the next update? Thanks anyway, John.

    Chris Booth

    Hi Brooke,
    OK, renaming the theme overrides folder does the trick for me as well. I’ll send you a PM with our system info as well to see if that give you any useful clues.

    Chris Booth

    Hi again,
    OK I think I’m narrowing it down – the problem seems to be specifically in the override to the template for the widget. In my case that’s widgets/list-widget.php. If I remove just that file from my theme override, the widget works as it should.
    I’ve compared the default version of this template for TEC 3.5.1 and TEC 3.6.1, and there are quite a few changes. In particular, the new version wraps the output in a WordPress loop:
    if ( $posts ) {

    foreach( $posts as $post ) :
    setup_postdata( $post ); …

    None of that is present in the 3.5.1 version, and of course my modified template is based on that. So it looks like the template in the new version needs to include this extra code in order to work. That seems to fit with the behaviour I’m seeing – since it doesn’t have the custom loop set up, the widget is using the default loop and so it’s showing the data for the current page.
    Hope this helps everyone!
    – Chris


    Thanks Brook, this fix worked:

    Delete all Events Calendar widgets from your all of your sidebars, including the footer area if you have one. Make sure to delete all Calendar widgets like the countdown timer, upcoming, and mini calendar. Now, add a text widget with the following text “Tribe test”, and press save. View your site, and make sure the widgets are gone and the new one appears. Then, try readding The Events Calendar widgets. Is the problem fixed now?

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