Sidebar Widget Overflow fix not working…

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  • #97829

    Hi, I recently upgraded to the latest version of Events Calendar Pro and experienced the Sidebar Widget overflow problem. I tried the fix suggested here:

    There may be a theme conflict (i’m using Adapt), when I activated 2011 things looked better with the list, but the mini-calendar itself looked like it wasn’t wide enough.

    Here is a sample page with the widget in place…

    I had some other problems earlier, such as not being able to move month to month in the widget, and the complete absence of any listings below the mini-calendar… This seemed to be resolved by turning off the W3 Total Cache plugin. Perhaps it has problems with the minified CSS? At some point I’d like to activate this plugin again when I can find settings that work.

    Thanks for your help,



    Hi George:

    It looks to me as though you are using skeleton style rules (this setting is found in the Events → Settings → Display admin screen) – can you confirm if the issue with the widget is resolved when use use full Tribe styles instead?



    Hi Barry, yes the overflow occurs with Skeleton, Full Styles, and Tribe Events Styles (plus the Month and dates without events can no longer be seen)…. Set to Tribe Events Styles now…. have a look. Thank you…


    Thanks @georgeforde – that makes it much easier to assess. Can you try adding the following rule to a custom tribe-events.css stylesheet (see our Themer’s Guide – link over on the right – for details of setting this up):

    .tribe_mini_calendar_widget .hentry { width: 220px; }

    Does that help?


    Thanks Barry, that line of CSS helped… I added it to the custom.css stylesheet that came with my theme “Adapt” instead of a new directory (I didn’t have a tribe-events/pro/ in the directory of my theme. It seems to be working. Thanks very much Barry


    Fantastic! Thanks for letting us know, georgeforde!

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