Events importing multiple times

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  • #57047

    After the previous update to the plug-in, we started experiencing multiple copies of the same event being imported as well as the widget links not working. With the update yesterday the widget to event link issue was resolved, however, the multiple import issue has not been resolved.


    Hi slwinter,

    Are the multiple instances happening with auto import or manual or both?

    – Jonah


    Definitely with auto import. Unsure about manual as I have it turned on still for auto so you can see the results on the website. I can turn off and create a new event, manually import however. How would you want it tested then? A manual import should become grey-out so I can’t reimport shouldn’t it? Would I need to turn on auto import again to see if the manual import gets duplicated?


    Ok, slwinter. Looking at my own local setup it looks like there might be some multiple imports going on here too. I’m going to test some things out but it will take a couple more hours since I’ll need to wait for the auto import to run… If I start seeing multiple imports with the auto importer again, I’ll know we’ve got an issue and there’s not much need to test the manual imports. I’ll check back in as soon as I know more. Stay tuned.



    I’m experiencing this too, with the auto import feature.


    Hi all,

    Ok I’ve been able to verify this as a bug and have created a ticket for our developers to take a look at. My suggestion for now would be to set imported events to Draft or Pending Review so the duplicates don’t go live. Sorry for any inconvenience. We’ll get this fixed as soon as we can!

    – Jonah


    thanks for the update and suggestion.


    Hi slwinter,

    I just wanted to give you a quick update here. We did not get a chance to look further into this issue for the upcoming version 3.2 release. However, it is still very much a priority for us and will be included in a maintenance release when we have the resources to allow it. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.



    Hi! On this occasion after reviewing the problem in more detail we have decided not to treat this as a bug (as we have been unable to consistently replicate it). If you have any questions, concerns or need additional advice for this or any other issue though please do create a new thread and we’ll help if we can.

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