Getting rid of "Related Events", or at least the big grey calendar images

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    The big grey calendar images are a real estate waster for us. Can I get rid of these? If not, can I get rid of “Related Events” altogether?


    Definitely: just to give you the full picture, those big grey calendar images will be replaced by featured images (if featured images have been assigned) – just in case that changes your mind as it does look quite nice, though I appreciate it may not be everyone’s cup of tea 🙂

    Anyway … if you want to remove that section then the easiest way to handle this is simply to add a single line of code to your theme’s functions.php file:

    remove_action('tribe_events_single_event_after_the_meta', 'tribe_single_related_events');

    They should then disappear. Commenting out or removing the above line will bring them back.

    Let me know if that helps/if you need further assistance on this one.


    Thank you so much for the info, Barry. Can you point me to someplace where I can learn about how to assign featured images so that I can see how that looks? We have 139 x 102 (approximately) icons that we are currently using in the body of each event that might work as featured images.


    It’s just the same as with regular WordPress posts (normally there is a “Featured Image” meta box within the post editor, or in this case the event editor, typically within the right hand column).

    Do note that your theme must support featured images for this metabox to appear within the editor. These days most themes do support featured images, but if yours does not it is normally fairly easy to add support (though it would be best to reach out to the theme developer in case they have any best practices for this relating to their own theme).


    That’s why I was confused: The Featured Image box always appears at the bottom of the right hand column for regular posts. It’s not appearing at all in the event editor. I have checked all the settings, too, to see if it’s something I have to “turn on” within the Events Calendar Pro settings, but I can’t find anything anywhere.


    That’s disappointing – you certainly shouldn’t have to do that. I’ve been working with a few different themes this morning and generally it appears as expected.

    Are you in a position to switch to Twenty Twelve as a means of determining if the problem is with your theme or not (for instance, it may have some means of disabling featured images – or only enabling them – for certain post types) or else it could be a conflict with another plugin.

    We’d really need to zero in on what’s causing it not to appear to get to the bottom of this one.


    Just curious. How do I set related events to only appear if they are in the same category?


    Hi Brian,

    Ordinarily we’d love to look into something like that and work through it with you – it does sound like something that could be useful information for other users, too – but because this is launch week we’re far busier than normal across all of our support channels.

    If you’re able to wait until the dust has settled, so to speak, and post this in a new thread at that point I’m sure one of the team would be happy to take a fresh look, if that works for you?


    I’ve just used the line of code above to remove the related events which worked well. I quite like them though so is there a way i can have them to appear underneath the WooTickets add-to-cart section? When they are above the woo tickets it almost hides the fact that the event can be purchased.


    +1 for @Tim‘s request to change the order of the related events – preferably below everything else.


    Just commenting here in case there’s a solution to this. Having related events after the ticket purchase info is more logical.


    Hi guys, there is indeed an existing thread about just this issue: you can definitely re-order things and here is a snippet from the other thread that moves the ticket form above the related events section.

    Does that help here?

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