HELP!! Where can I find the database tables for Event Manager???

Home Forums Calendar Products Events Calendar PRO HELP!! Where can I find the database tables for Event Manager???

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  • #335745

    I have about 300 events and I need to put a picture beside each of them. The CSV import tool on Modern Tribe does not enable me to bulk upload an image reference so I’m having to do it manually via the database..but I cannot find the database tables for the plugin?? I can find the tables for nearly every other plugin I have installed…is it hiding somewhere?


    Thanks for reaching out! Just like many WordPress plugins, the Events Calendar does not create custom database tables, but instead uses the built-in WordPress tables, since our events are created as a custom post type.

    It looks like you’ll need to either do this with some custom code, or use a plugin to help you accomplish this. Take a look at this article, which I believe will guide you through this.

    After reviewing that article, just let me know if you have further questions. Thanks! 🙂



    I just wanted to follow up and see if you’re all set here or if you still have further questions. Just let me know if you have further questions or if I should go ahead and close out this thread. Thanks! 🙂



    Since I haven’t heard back from you here, I’m going to go ahead and close out this thread. Feel free to start a new thread if you have further issues. Thanks! 🙂


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