Non-ticket WooCommerce orders: You’ll receive your tickets in another email.

Home Forums Ticket Products Event Tickets Plus Non-ticket WooCommerce orders: You’ll receive your tickets in another email.

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  • #68474
    Renee Deming

    It seems that customers that are placing orders in our online store which are not in any way related to our ticketed event are getting this message on their notification email: “You’ll receive your tickets in another email.” Since WooTickets doesn’t allow for any control over the email notifications I’m not sure how this is being added to the regular store emails or how to remove it.


    Hi, Renee. I’m sorry you’ve come up against this issue.

    Unfortunately, we were not able to roll the fix for this into our latest release (out yesterday). We do have it on the radar, and it is a very high priority for us.

    Your best bet is to keep your eyes on the release notes in future updates, where we will remark if it has been fixed. If there is a snippet available for you to install in the interim, we’ll make it known in the support forum.


    Hi there. This seems to still be an issue. My clients, using this plugin, don’t have tickets for their events but are unable to alter emails to remove the “you’ll receive your tickets” part. Is there any current resolution for this issue? Thanks


    Hi oogly,

    Sorry for the issues your client is having.

    I looked through our bug tickets and we fixed this issue about a year ago. So by version 3.4 and beyond this has been fixed.

    I also tested on the current version of the plugin and that message did not show for me on a regular product without tickets in it.

    What version of WooCommerce Tickets are you using?

    Can you make a copy of the email with the message people are getting?

    Are you able to reproduce the message yourself by doing a test purchase?

    Also can you clarify this statement:

    My clients, using this plugin, don’t have tickets for their events

    I visited this event and it does have tickets:

    Let us know the answers to that.

    I am also going to close this thread as we try to keep one customer and topic per thread. That does not mean we do not want to solve this for you, but we can do a better job at it in it’s own thread. So when you come back with those answers please create a new ticket and we can help out. Also, Renee would get emailed every time we post here as well.

    Let us know what you find out and we can go from there.


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