Recurring events TIMES error

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  • #239060

    For a while now I have had a problem with the recurring events relating to the times of the events. Whenever I create a recurring event the original is published correctly (right date, time, ect..) however, the recurring events are set to be 4hrs later than the original event. Meaning, when I create an event for 9am-10:30am the recurring events show on the calendar as 1pm-2:30pm (

    I have trouble-shooted a couple things including: deactivating/reactivating plugins, changing themes, checking/re-checking correct timezone, creating individual event then making it a recurring event, and updating the plugin to the most recent version. Nothing seems to give and I was wondering if this issue has been brought up before and resolved, or is it something that you guys have been working on.

    Thanks for the help in advance and let me know if you need anymore information/clarification from my end!

    Casey D

    Hello churchinthepines,

    Thanks for contacting us! This is really bizarre! The best I can tell, is that the time advances to UTC +0 Time (4 hours ahead of you).

    I’m not sure why this though. Just to confirm, you have deactivated all plugins AND switched to Twentytwelve at the same time? If you create a recurring event like this does the same thing happen?

    In the WP-Admin, at the bottom of the Events > Settings > Help tab, there will be a ‘systems settings’ box. Can you copy that and paste it into a private reply?

    Does this make sense? Let me know if this doesn’t work for you.


    – Casey Driscoll


    This reply is private.

    Casey D

    Hello churchinthepines,

    Thanks for confirming that. With everything deactivated, you should be able to troubleshoot the rest pretty quickly, as you try and find the conflicting plugin.

    It says you created a recurring theme and it worked, which is great to hear! Did it fix the original one though?

    Once you get the set up to a point where it isn’t broken, activate your plugins one at a time until you find the conflict. We should be able to help you better at that point.

    Here is a great tutorial to help you understand the troubleshooting process.

    Does this make sense? Let me know if I can explain anything else!


    – Casey Driscoll

    Casey D

    Hello churchinthepines,

    We typically close threads if there is no activity after two weeks. Feel free to create a new thread and reference this one to save you time.


    – Casey Driscoll

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