Selecting a day returns other days besides the one I picked

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    I’m about to do a soft launch of my website and after a few tests, I noticed the Events Pro are not working as I expected. For instance, when I pic June 12 2014, it returns events scheduled for different days, even months. Is there a way to prevent it?


    Howdy veruska,

    Based on your description that is not normal at all. It is not a bug I have seen before, unless i misunderstood you. Can you perhaps link to the page that you are seeing this on?

    It would seem very likely that you have a theme or plugin conflict. Would you mind running through our Events Calendar theme/plugin conflict troubleshooting guide? What is the result?

    Please let me know. Thanks!

    – Brook


    I did all 3 steps. I even used different computers and I still have the same problem.
    For instance, here is the result for a search of events on June 12 2014:


    I did all 3 steps. I even used different computers and I still have the same problem.
    For instance, here is the result for a search of events on June 12 2014:


    I tried to send you an screenshot via email but it didn’t go thru. I wanted to show you today’s status, where I searched for events dated June 21 and got more thru July.


    Pardon my delayed response veruska, we do not respond on weekends.

    Thank you for clarifying. The URL proved helpful. What you are describing appears to be a feature of our plugin. In all list views, namely List, Map, Photo, it shows event from that day forward. So if you search from June 21st, it will show you all event on 21st and any events afterwards. On Week, Day, and Month dies it only shows you events from that month though.

    Does that make sense? If you would like to change this functionality to only show event from the date searched you certainly could. It will require some PHP and WP API knowledge though. To do it, you would simply hook into ‘tribe_events_pre_get_posts’, check if the URL action var is tribe_photo, or tribe_upcoming or tribe_map, and if the tribe-bar-date parameter is set. If so, limit the query to today by adding a condition for the post meta _EventStartDate that check to see if the event is lesser than tomorrow.

    Hopefully that helps clarify things. If you do wish to post a screen shot or other private data feel free to check the box “Set as private reply” in a response here. Screenshots can be hosted any old place, i frequently host mine on Please let me know if you have more questions. If not, would you mind marking this topic resolved? Thanks!

    – Brook


    Thanks Brook. As much as I would like to only show event from the date searched, I wouldn’t feel comfortable messing with codes and stuff because I’m not an expert. But I made a note, just in case I find someone that can help me changing it as suggested.


    I understand that Veruska! I wish there was an easier option!

    Thank you for marking this resolved. Let us know if you need anything else. Cheers!

    – Brook

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