Sidebar Widget Recurring Events issue

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  • #379140
    Joanna Shebson

    In the calendar widget in the sidebar, all dates get highlighted when the field remains unchecked in the Settings: “Recurring event instances: Show only the first instance of each recurring event (only affects list-style views).”
    Although it says it will only affect list-style view, it seems to be affecting the sidebar calendar widget. Ultimately what we want is:
    Calendar widget in sidebar: show recurring event instances
    List-view: Don’t show recurring event instances.


    Casey D

    Hello funinjerusalem,

    Thanks for contacting us. I believe this is intentional, as the widget and upcoming view are the same behind the scenes. It may be helpful to change the wording on the setting:

    “Recurring event instances: Show only the first instance of each recurring event (only affects list-style views and widgets).”

    From what I can tell, there is currently no way simple to get what you want. You will probably need to create a template override or filter the query somehow. I don’t believe we have a tutorial for that, but I will contact the dev team to see if there is a relatively easy way to get what you want.

    Does this make sense? Let me know if I can explain anything else!


    – Casey Driscoll

    Casey D

    Hello funinjerusalem,

    We typically close threads if there is no activity after two weeks. Feel free to create a new thread and reference this one to save you time.


    – Casey Driscoll

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