WooTickets Display on Front-end

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  • #60697

    Two items I’ve had issues with since upgrading to the latest version of WooTickets. 1) The inventory display has disappeared from my events (it had been visible prior to upgrading). I looked for a discussion in the forums but couldn’t find one. 2) Where do I find the coding so that I can add some padding to the left margin of the meta on the WooTickets front-end display? See here how everything is overlapping with the container lines http://www.advancingcompassion.org/event/food4kidsbackpackprogram-sep142013/.

    Thanks, as always for your help.


    Hi Tony,

    You would need to override your tickets template and add some code to display the inventory level for each ticket (and I think but could be wrong that this was also the case in earlier versions).

    For the table cell padding, you could add the following line of code to a suitable location, such as a custom tribe-events.css file (please see our Themer’s Guide for details of this – it would also be worth reading with regards to your first question, to get a sense of what has changed with regards to template overrides).

    table.tribe-events-tickets td { padding: 5px }

    Does that help?


    Hi Barry. I was able to fix the padding with your suggestion. For the inventory, I’m not having much luck. Can you take a look at lines 101-103 and 118 (http://pastebin.com/NKXNunXi) and let me know where I’m going wrong. Thanks


    Hi Tony,

    The stock/inventory count should still be available using $ticket->stock (which you are using) – if I insert only the additional column you created into the current default tickets.php template it works nicely.

    Would you be able to try that yourself and see if you can get things working that way? It’s possible other customizations within your version of the template are impeding things, but if you can start ‘from scratch’ as it were and build things up one component at a time you might have an easier time with this 🙂

    Have you also relocated your override so that it lives in your-theme/tribe-events/wootickets/tickets.php?


    Hi, Tony. Since it’s been quite a while since your last post, I’m going to close this thread. If you’d like to delve into this further, please start a fresh topic and reference this one. Thanks!

    Support Droid

    This topic has not been active for quite some time and will now be closed.

    If you still need assistance please simply open a new topic (linking to this one if necessary)
    and one of the team will be only too happy to help.

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