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Sproutwire Update

I though it would be cool to also hear about everyones personal (non S&P) projects … right now, my baby is sproutwire. You probably have all heard about it at this point.

Today’s News: We Broke a 100 Subscribers & almost broke 1000 page views in a day
So, the beta is going really well. Got some great feedback and people are starting to use it and actually contribute. Was a bit worried. Brandon did a nice update to the header solving some identity issues (like where the heck am I?) and setting the foundation for the site to stretch. Next will be some programatic updates from eric – rotating header, and a bookmarklet to let us contribute faster. Oh and a few new interviews from me – thanks Aaron for hooking me up with Henry – its a cool interview and should be out any day. If anyone else knows of some cool business owners I should interview, let me know.

almost 1000 page views in a day just from rss